Deez Nuts in a Cup Coffee Free Shipping (USA) w/ $50+ Order

Deez Nuts in a Cup Coffee Free Shipping (USA) w/ $50+ Order
Bold, Heavy & Bright
The "OG", full bodied and lush
Crisp and Clean
Start the day with this light & fragrant roast!
Yeah, we're a coffee company, but how did this all come together.
Deez Nuts in a Cup was an idea born out of the Fast Food Punks community. One late night, a group of warmhearted NFT collectors hanging out in the Fast Food Punks Discord were doing what they do best...hanging out, having fun and making memes.
That night it was about Deez Nuts.
Little did they know, it would set off the spark of what is now known as Deez Nuts in a Cup, a premium coffee brand with the goal of making coffee drinkers start the day with a smile.
Deez Nuts in a Cup coffee beans are certified 100% organic by the MCIA and 100% Fair-Trade certified by Fair Trade USA. MCIA is a USDA National Organic Program-accredited certification agency. Our beans are sourced from farmers who benefit directly from coffee sales and then afford a better life, and not be subject to the price swings of commodities. And the bags! Our bags are also certified, being able to display the fair-trade & organic certified logos is a testament to how serious we are. From the growing process to the bagging process, We take pride knowing our coffee is organic and fair-trade certified, sustainably sourced, grown without chemicals.
The unique and delicious flavor of Deez Nuts in a Cup Coffee is produced using the 1950’s German Probat Small Batch Roasters. Care is taken to not over-roast, leaving the essence and subtle nuances intact. Only premium Arabica beans are used in our line of roasts, where other roasters will blend in a cheaper Robusta bean. Not us, not Deez Nuts in a Cup.
Having our roasts served at coffeeshops is testament to the quality. Deez Nuts in a Cup brewed and served at the Ventnor Coffeeshop. Give our friends a visit and ask for Deez Nuts in a Cup!
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